Renew your Membership

To renew your membership in 2024 for the Royal Belgian Society of Dermatology and Venereology and the Professional Association of Belgian Dermatology and Venereology, please pay your membership fee by entering your email address at the bottom of this page.

Membership Fees:

Dermatologist until 31st January (midnight) - 250€

Dermatologist as of 01st February - 300€

Retired Dermatologist - 75€

Dermatologist Living Abroad - 75€

First Year Specialist - 75€

Assistant - 0€

Membership Information:

Please note that after receiving the dermatology specialization you do not automatically become a member of the Societies.

Payment Information:

During your online registration you will pay your membership fee through the online renowned and safe payment platform Mollie, with whom we have a contract.

For us this is a simple, safe and efficient method four our administration, since your payment will automatically be linked to you membership data.

If you prefer to pay via bank transfer, please make your payment to the following account:

  • IBAN: BE39 4023 5237 4119
  • Communication: Name + Surname + Membership Year

Your Account